100 Days with COVID-19 Phantom

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This article was originally published in an online platform of “Surkhiyan”


As of today, marks the 100th day of myself staying and working from home. From the crises out there, a person can do nothing except keeping oneself protected from the unseen supernatural thing. But is that supernatural invisible creature is more powerful than the mind and wisdom of a human creature? Days passed and the fact is in consideration that it’s the control and power both creatures have, depending how one can revive more powerfully than the other.

In first week, the suffix -demic anomalously bombarded its formulation of various branches i.e. pandemic, epidemic, Infodemic, pandemic etc. Hence the understanding of the C19 composition is not acceptable to the majority humans as they have more knowledge of this micro biological structure than the structure itself. Every single person in this Earth talking and discussing about something they never saw. So here comes the longing of belief that overcome the fear of this haunting entity.

So, two antipode views observed; those who believe in this trending C19 hero blame their respective political governance for everything and then there are those who doesn’t consider it anything relying on their own selves combating this war all alone without the required defense and armor. It’s exactly equivalent to the non-combatant individual getting wounded or deceased in the war zone. For them wounded emotions are more hurting than the person brutally suffering from the germ attack. Handwashing, sanitizer, masks, gloves, distancing, staying home everything sounds ridiculous to them and considers that routine life before this job tenure of germ should be continued without the discontinuity unless one dive in the danger zone themselves.

The astonishing surprise is that there are affected humans playing the role of effective courier company just because of the second aforementioned notion and strictly following the rule or seeing is believing. It’s the case that they place a bomb in the vulnerable human and this robo-bomb doesn’t need a mastermind behind it to be operated. This hunt only needs a prey which is weaker with high vulnerability and with same mindset and random exposure or interaction with the affected surface or the courier person. Even the quantum theory fails to understand that humans having no solution to counter this atomic germ rely on concepts, rituals and advance level research conducted from social circle or media.

Once upon a time, a television used to be called as magic box, then later the screens ported to the pockets and misinformation and disinformation is just a click away. So, the germ is no more biological as humans having more hazardous diseases disseminating the immunization and remedies tips in the social media easing others to believe on the vague information and roam freely without the instructions provided by the experts. Has any of us heard the world leaders instructing their respective nations to follow the staying home policy that possibly could result better to fight against this germ? But why one loses war because of less defensive force or the ammunition required for it. Getting ourselves exposed to the public places and unnecessary spots is similar to that we have ants in our kitchen and to kill them we put marshmallows over there.

Once I considered myself the most illiterate person and other person as a scholar, this casting made me a beneficiary of some valuable knowledge which I would like to share here that everyone is so trendy that we can see a person as an economic expert in economic crises and similar person as a health expert in medical emergency. Does it sound sugary to the people reading this piece that giving someone health related advise might takes other person to the life risking stage from where you can’t bring the person back. So by humanizing and operationalizing all the advises to the level of layperson we reached out to this fact that whether there is a curfew, lockdown or a smart lockdown but as an individual it’s the responsibility of one human to save the life of other human by staying home and one person per home can be utilized as bread runner following all the standard procedures announced. Because the shield given by respective leaders is documented in announcements and notification and God won’t be blaming the leader for not communicating the methods of defense to His people but yes God will be asking in case if you being the courier person taking risk of delivering the germ to the person whose underlying diseases might escalates as this germ is a good catalyst in weakening the immunity levels and bringing the recipient to the borderline of existing diseases.

The choice is bad but one has to choose better option for the betterment of everyone. It’s not a theatre play or a video gaming where one person can have many lives or get revive by the fellow humans. Listen to the experts only, by experts it means the literal experts who actually belongs to the related medical crises. These are pulmonologist, virologists, otolaryngologist, district administrators, nutritionists, life skills coach that exist around many of us. Reach out to them in case of severe issues but before that take best care of yourself just like a mother take care of a newborn. Because this germ is as lethal as some killing spree weapon and it doesn’t spare any creed, clan, race, religion, gender, age-group, nationality, ethnicity or humanity. Only two main eligibility points can get you awarded with this C19 alumna, one is ignorance and second is fear. Be a warrior and a fighter by getting equipped with good checklist, information and then confront it with confidence.

Hira A. Siddiqi is a social engineer and voluntarily writes and blogs for various platforms.

Twitter @hiraasiddiqi

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