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by Hira A. Siddiqi

This article is originally published in Insurance Journal 4th Quarter 2022

“Oh, that’s an awesome dress for a wedding; he got a job in a US-based company earning in dollars, and
yes, who is the one expecting a baby? My best friend! Oh, these cousins also went on a tour in northern
areas for camping. Yes, I just came to know by scrolling my timeline on Instagram, Facebook, and

If you feel that all good things are happening in others’ lives and you are the one who is missing all the
opportunities and having problems in life, then you are wrongly feeling that. There is no such thing.
The fear of missing out (FOMO) is the feeling or idea that you are missing out on something essential or
enjoyable that others are experiencing. It is the perception that others are having more fun, living better
lives, or experiencing better things than you.

According to the World Journal of Clinical Cases, “fear of missing out” gained traction in 2004.
This was the year Facebook launched, one of the first prominent online spaces where people could
publicly display their friendships and what they were doing through status updates and photos.
FOMO preys on low self-esteem, loneliness, and fear of social exclusion, leading to
anxiety and depression. Some theories that endorse this concept are as follows:

Self-determination theory: This approach studies human motivation and personality. It suggests that
each person is motivated by three innate psychological needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.
When these are met, our self-motivation and mental health thrive. When they are not, our motivation
and sense of well-being slack.

An art piece by Mehwish Javaid (Instagram @mjtartgallery)

Cybernetic process model: Our brains are constantly sizing and comparing our options to our
goals or expectations. When these do not line up, we may feel uncomfortable. FOMO can
distort this process and make it harder to accurately evaluate one’s current situation. Rather than
prioritize critical personal goals, we may pursue lesser and unhealthier priorities.

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less: This theory is explored by psychologist Barry Schwartz,
“Learning to choose is hard,” he writes. “Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well
in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still—perhaps too hard.”

Symptoms of FOMO are: 
– Obsessively checking social media to see what others are doing, 
– Experiencing negative feelings when comparing one’s life to what others seem to be doing on social media, 
– Feeling mentally exhausted from social media, 
– Overscheduling (trying to be everywhere at all times), 
– Withdrawing from others, 
– Feeling physically tired, Feeling sad, anxious, or depressed, 
– Difficulty concentrating, 
– Having trouble sleeping.


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This article is originally published in Insurance Journal 3rd Quarter 2022

A scholar once said, “Comparison defies your personality to become someone else instead of improvisation of the existing”.

Why Saturn is not like Earth, & Jupiter is fifth and Earth is third? Because nature tells you that everyone has their place and they look balanced and perfect where they are. One can’t be someone else. A human can get infatuated, influenced, inspired, or impacted but never become someone. It’s so unnatural that one leaves their path of struggle and effort and starts trying to live the life of others. There are standards, one can pick and choose and fit those traits and lifestyles in existing ones.

Hence proving you can join someone’s journey but you can live there. Just like when you go to college/school/office in the morning you have your path to follow and reach the destination. The least you can do is to lift or join someone’s vehicle so that you both get to the same place but sharing & joining are never equal to living your partner’s life.

An art piece by Mehwish Javaid (Instagram @mjtartgallery)

Empathy: A feeling where one feels the other’s pain and can feel what they have been through is called empathy and it’s just a feeling to make you perform those acts in a proper way that an affected person can’t do because of their pain and grief. A woman in grief because her husband dies of target killing, the whole community comes out to console her pain but they can live the life of that woman. But when a junior employee with poor background & qualification gets a promotion and increments in the company, the envious environment begins and everyone wants to be in his place, here the leg-pulling and competition begin. People start comparing each other based on defined indicators and no one sees the happiness of the promoted guy just like people felt the pain of that woman who lost her husband. Maybe the upgraded guy lived at a different level to achieve this status.

Generous: In the society where we are living right now, only 46% of the working-age population is employed (Government of Pakistan: Finance Division 2021-22). And there is no survey or assessment that shows how content or ungrateful 46% is with their jobs, lives, and people around them. Everyone is running to gain more and more in their lives but do we even know that by giving we get more and in multiplied terms? It’s not karma every time that returns to us against our done things. The good work whether in terms of deeds, in kind, or money is reversed back likewise in any of these forms. But the condition here is that one has to be honest and care about the needy with good and focused intentions. Just think that nothing is what you are getting back and now help people around you.

Patience: a vitamin for life, if we lack it nothing is going to be organized and sequenced in our lives. Anxiety & Depression is emerging as common life pattern just because we all lack patience while making decisions, completing life tasks, and handling relationships. A study in Pakistan says that the overall prevalence of depressive disorders and anxiety is 34% (International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience. The suicide rate in Pakistan has crossed eight percent while one out of 200 suicide dies, (World Health Organization 2022). 58% of Pakistanis believe that the divorce rate has also increased in Pakistan. (Gallup & Gilani Pakistan 2019).

Optimism: What you seek is seeking you, says Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī a Sufi poet and scholar. Thinking negatively and badly all the time leads to bad happenings. Keeping yourself in a positive environment and staying in distance from toxic people and behavior can bring peace and optimistic thoughts all the time. This helps to refine and balance the life cycle and counts in as self-improvisation. There is no better conclusion than Hadith Qudsi mentioned as follows:
Allah the Almighty said: I am as My servant thinks I am. I’m with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a cubit, and if he draws near to Me a cubit, I draw near to him a fathom. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed”.


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This article is originally published in Insurance Journal: 

by Hira A. Siddiqi

There is a saying by John Steinbeck goes like this “Power doesn’t corrupt. Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” Steinbeck was known as a giant of American letters for his realistic writings. What he’s trying to reflect in his above saying is that corruption can exist anywhere it doesn’t look for financially healthy, educated one neither it only revolves around Government Officials, Politicians, Journalists, Artists, Industrialists, Landlords, Business Tycoons but this can be found in a Teacher in a School, a social worker, an employer following cronyism practices.

There are a lot of definitions of this menace of corruption but to be précised this is simply a misuse of power or authority provided to one person whether at local, community, provincial, national, or global level. The game of becoming a monster when seeking about it it’s very normal, if the society one lives in is a corrupt society there are many chances that one gets corrupt in some way. 

So what is the perfect storm? Answer this that the perfect storm here is the slow process of damaging one soul for the greed of the power to either test it or earn it more and more by adverse means, it can escalate when the surroundings perform as a catalyst. The environment does not harm the soul directly, but it damages the person living in the environment, a collateral damage. For instance, an employee working in the public relations department of a company has nothing to do with the financial corruption going on in the procurement department. How is that PR person affected? just to say that PR people are very very conscious about their own reputation more than the company’s because they are pursuing their career because of their credibility throughout their lives. So, they become a watchdog and get the check on compliance of the work going on in the company, because eventually the results of corruption emerge and erode the company anytime. 

There is a school of thought that mostly PR people are hired for to cover up the work going on in the company. What Public Relations Experts are for then if they can’t cover up the whole mess, situation or conflict that just broke down the functions and its viral all over the media? Where are those “PR strategies” when they can’t save the company’s reputation in front of the world? Answer is they can and that’s the point described earlier when the soul of that employee starts damaging because of that collateral damage happening anywhere in the corner. And that’s the skill of a PR person, but to be honest Public Relations is more than prevention than combating corruption through building a bubble, something that never existed. 

What is prevention from corruption and why is it necessary until it doesn’t harm you? One should take salary of their work and go home, they should not be concerned that why a female employee is being harassed, why the relatives or friends of CEO are being hired in a company crossing the recruitments process, they should not even care that the amount mentioned in the fake and forged receipts is much higher than the cash one paid to the vendor, an employee should just let it go until one day some kid suddenly throw the eaten apple at your home and you feel that why should you care it’s just the dirt around? But wait, you would care about that eaten apple because you know the color of apple changes in just minutes and starts decaying the unbearable smell, flies would feel attraction to this rotten apple piece, and they would bring diseases and infection with them that might harm your family and you? 

A guy was traveling on a train without a ticket and he wasn’t ashamed of not buying it because he knows it happens that people can travel without buying a ticket. Another guy asked him, “Now this is another country would you still travel without a ticket? The first one replied “Yes”. Second guy laughed and said that I can assess how corrupt your leaders would be in case if you are doing damage of a small penny they must be playing with countless amounts. So what comes out of this is not that all leaders do same or that the country is corrupt on the basis of the traveller without a ticket but the moral of the story is that enabling an environment that people feel free to roam with crime, work with corruption is an outstanding and courageous skill but a shameful one. It’s a responsibility of leaders to make their surroundings transparent and fair, and here leaders are not president or prime-ministers only, leaders can be a shopkeeper, a principal of the school, a CEO of the company or a chairperson of the public department. 

Transparency does not come all of a sudden, and it’s not even the solution but it’s the result of the process one struggles for years to make his company, shop, school, office fair, inclusive and transparent to breathe. The PR people we left earlier would come themselves to drop in to your organization and would feel proud to work with you.. 

When the two plus get added it’s the win win game but when minus added with plus its already a subtraction of something. It’s Mathematics and we don’t know what will be subtracted. 

Hira A. Siddiqi is a Peace and Public Relations Expert

Tweets @HiraASiddiqi 

Decider or Procrastinator 

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This article is originally published in Counsellors Home site: Decider or Procrastinator by Hira A. Siddiqi

Everyone is concerned about the goals and expected achievements of life. Choosing to be a decider or to remain a procrastinator is in one’s own hands. Let us make this easy for you. Why don’t you take care of the pleasant and the quality life one is having with the colleagues, family and friends? As Peter Drucker well stated reference to this that “Management by objectives works if you first think through your objectives. Ninety percent of the time you haven’t.”


Let’s make our mind first to the acceptance of the diversified environment we are having in our lives. We as a human being are prone to the learning of different lifestyles and disciplines. It’s about opening to the new changes and new experiences which not only enhance our own expertise but also sparkles life with learning exposures.


They say prioritizing the tasks makes you to meet the deadlines of your academic or office related assignments. Why not.. Let’s go for the listing up the things whether it’s about shopping, grocery, or car washing. Listing the Things To Do and Things Done will make your life easier than anything in this world.


Not doing work is fine if you want to do average work, is your work called as mediocre or below the line? Your manager or supervisor is saying you to stay up to mark when working on the tasks? Join the dots and work on the creativity slot of tasks one by one. You will not only watch the results but sprouting outcomes making you contented with your whole day activities.


Asking yourself about your own interests will take your few hours or minutes. Think on the majors of your own interests and analyze your personality that where it fits, if you find yourself good in any expertise then title yourself and stick to it by enhancing and watering the seeds on daily basis for growing the plant of your own.


Are you taking stress of your daily life routine? Be confident in saying no to those tasks or activities when you feel over burden in your routine and eventually disturb your professional, personal lives. Teaming up and delegating your tasks to your level minded colleagues or concerned person can make the work done too.


Are we forgetting to tell you about your health? Alright, so be a freak in fitness. The enthusiasm for your own self and health really would make you feel alive and living the genuine life. The happier you are, brilliant will be the consequences. Yoga, Running, A Walk, Healthy Diet are the basic concerns.


Are you a finance manager at your company? No or Yes… But you are! in your own life… Budgeting your expenses and pre-planning about the expenditure will manage your buying and consumption of the goods. Also, saving few bucks on monthly basis will give your reward when you need it the most.


Are you spending enough time with your own self? Book reading session, meditation or a prayer in solitude will be the best cure to handle your transitional lives including personal and professional. Take some time out and go for any peaceful site of your town, think on the things you regret you haven’t done in your past and feel how you make your present and future special by answering those.


In the end, everything matters but what matter the the most is that how much you are satisfied with your work and routine. What you can do is that to treat yourself with surrounding of some friends, or spending time with your family, going for the fantastic dinner in a restaurant with attractive ambiance and doing the charity or by giving your services voluntarily to the needy people of your town.

Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

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Outlining fashion is an art itself and this time Humsafer is stuffed with defining it all, starting with a saying of Lauren Hutton that Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.” And belief is this that if fashion remains long term in the minds it becomes your choice. Pakistan have one of a kind fashion industry where designers offers ready to wear and prêt’ a’ porter too. The significance difference felt when this industry of Pakistan expanded its potential in few years with genuine designs and apparel instead of just pirating any foreign material. With these progressive measures stats, foreign investors also wants to invest their money for boutiques and other relevant businesses.

Above all this there is a name which is a central factory/Institute producing such assets to the nation representing Pakistan’s name in global forums with pride, and the name is Pakistan Institute of Fashion Design (Formerly Pakistan School of Fashion Design) established in 1994 with a divine brand motto “Read in the name thy Lord who creates”. PIFD is located in Lahore and is affiliated with Pakistan Engineering Council and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

This institute aims is to be a specialist in fashion designing as per the demands of the market and industry itself. The PIFD alumni have 100% employment scope in market after their completion of degree and currently we can see that many of them are in faculty at Shanghai, Cairo Fashion Schools and Dubai whereas many are in Media, Advertising, Merchandising, Designing and Pattern Making fields. PIFD further has affiliation with colleges all over the Pakistan. And this networking is succeeded with the consortium of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan.

PIFD is the only institute in Pakistan which offers various disciplines in the form of schools within it, i.e. Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing and Promotions, Textile Design, Accessories and Products (Includes Gems, Jewelry, Furniture Design and Manufacturing, Leather Accessories and Footwear.)

PIFD objective is the provision of contemporary design education with a focus on consumer and brand relationship. The consumer demand courses create a platform in market for the students to pursue their career in the field of fashion, all alumni of PIFD are well known designers of Pakistan now and their products are aesthetically appealing. PIFD is aiming towards training the new generation ad future talented creative directors and entrepreneurs blooming in the world.

For the success of Fashion Industry Pakistan, we must not forget the talents of this industry. One of them is Imran Khalid, a stylist and a genius on women fashion completed his degree from University of Arts London and thriving his designs in Pakistan as an individual entrepreneur.

This renowned Fashion Designer told Humsafer that he works with aristocratic designs which are not bound to any time or any region; among them are Luxury Pret and Bridal Wear, which are very famous in global market; gems and jewel are the heartbeat of Bridal Apparel especially 9 karat gold color Turkish motives are majorly found in this work.

Imran Khalid’s collection speaks about his fashion aesthetics and also that he is a free Spirited, Exotic, Flamboyant, Urban and Inspirational Guru. His brand philosophy is High Fashion Attire, He shared his core interests, life and process with Humsafer that his Collection Consist from Color Palette to Finishing. Craftsmen working for him are very hardworking and skilled making outfits on pure fabric. Fabric he uses for his collection are mostly Hand woven silk, India Silk and Turkish Silk because Imran believe that in Purity and Quality work there must be no compromise in fashion industry which not only keep customer or client contented but also brand reputation in market remains with good reputation.  Experiment is not Imran Khalid style; Natural Colorants are used for making unique color and texture, however his favorites are nudes and pastels. Also one can find Heritage prints done by fruit color dying; whereas for his collection embellishment is being imported from all over the world. He works from rags to riches and the fact is that Imran Khalid is expert on fashioning women clothes.

“Nothing is easy that usually people think. You need to be a mi-stereo and need a command on whatever you make from fabric to drapes to embellishments.” And the jewelry where Imran Khalid has come up as one of the nation’s leading jewelry brand. Blend of contemporary mixing with heritage designs are famous all over the world. Reflecting Nawab culture in design inspiration Bold Stones from Nepal and design technology from Harappa Bring a new touch of today. No synthetic stones are used in our jewelry collections.

Talking about success Imran told that Friends are his best support he can ever had, Also when opening of his first outlet his calligraphy lawn was all sold out in 2010-2011, then his first fashion show. When he was told three days left for and he did it successfully and there are many other moments he consider it his success stories.

His startup was just his thoughts and dream whilst his first job was front desk officer in a hotel. His Inspirations are his ideas which reflect in his fashion, When talking about outside to Pakistan Influences in his work he answered, “Outside we’re small fish. In our lifestyle fashion is limited to niche. Outside fashion is not practical and working on it is disaster. Sub-continent is an old history so we’ve to follow our culture & heritage. Whatever i make, it has touches of East.”

He thinks that fashion industry is a soft image of a country and Fashion Designers are placed in tabloids/billboards. Film, TV & fashion are one and the same. He is not only workaholic person but also a fashionholic being in which his work frame carries 24/7 and late night’s research and work. Often Imran Khalid takes his time out to spend some time with coordinators, photographers, models & friends to bring the strong understanding between all of them.

His next upcoming collection will be a feel of a Desert wind in a starry night, which relates to that collection. Azure & midnight blues would be the key colors. Desert sand effects in silver embellishment following with real stones and details of Harmonic will make it all complete.

Talking about the fashion trend in Pakistan he replied, “Fashion in Pakistan is less, Darzi culture is more as comparatively to other countries, due to economic instability. Cheating and copying from the boutiques of Designers. I run my Atelier & Studio where you can find me; my collections are placed on the pages of top notch fashion magazines”

His advice to upcoming professionals in fashion industry is, “Live with your dreams and make them true.”

So the thing is that the beauty remaining forever and never will pass through the nothingness is a joy, and here the thing is called impressions. Such impressions come only when a designer understands the art of stitching and fabric.  Pakistan Fashion Industry is full of gems and one of them is Imran Khalid. That’s why we are being allured worldwide, and the whole world is keen towards to incorporate with our industry.

Renascence of Grace!

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This article is originally published in Vitrine 2015 edition

Hira A. Siddiqi

Nothing succeeds like success and in last one year, Pakistani Cinema boomed like a shining star in the sky where everyone felt that there is no hope. It’s the story makers and then on screen casting which made everything successful, only need was to give a spark to the dreams among creative talents in Pakistan and we can see the result in revival that its public demanding and there is over whelming response of each movie according to its genre. We have the talent in our own country, because home is always the best place to discover than wandering in east or west directions.

The top story initiated from Shoaib Mansoor’s Bol Movie and Bilal Lashari’s WAAR, following these then there was everyone who fell into same line of flourishing the industry Lollywood; precious few examples are Dukhtar, Na Maloom Afraad, Main Hoon Shahid Afridi, Wrong No., Teen Bahadur, and SHAH by Adnan Sarwar.

Bin Roye, another colorful blockbuster which represented Pakistan across the borders in countries like India, UAE, UK and US. Everyone appreciated the performances, culture and minds behind it. A successful outcome of Momina Duraid, Farhat Ishtiaq, Mahira Khan, Humayun Saeed, Armeena Khan and Javaid Sheikh. Mahira Khan a super star of Pakistani Drama and now Film Industry has been offered by 3 more movies to shoot where she accepted for Ho Man Jahan and one Indian movie soon to be released in 2016

MOOR a Pashto word meaning Mother is a heartfelt movie which also took attention of many, is a success by Jami, Nadeem, Nazira, String Music Band and Eman casting Hameed Sheikh released this August 14. This movie is about the loyalty to the family, land and nation and has taught many lessons of life.

Karachi se Lahore by Wajahat Rauf is a melodrama, comedy movie based on the road trip casting Shehzad Sheikh, Ayesha Omer hit the cinemas on July 31, 2015. It is also a catchy movie, presented some conflicts with friendship, relations and country issues.

Many upcoming includes, Maalik by Aashir Azeem, Manto by Sarmad Khoosat, Kambakht by Hamza Ali Abbasi,  Yeh Jawani Phir Nahi Aani, Yalghaar, Hijrat, Kolachi, Gidh and many more are in production and yet to be announced.

Sawa Rangi by Phida Hussan with the cast of Resham the renowned actress has her comeback after 5 years in this industry. This movie has shown different beautiful locations of Pakistan soon to be released on August 28, 2015, a movie about fate, survival, sacrifice and true happenings in Pakistan.

This time VITRINE guest is the dapper and dandy artist who brought treat to the eyes of every Pakistani; a Lahore born slick and artistry musician plus actor Adnan Sarwar, who born on November 11 and has lots of passion to persuade his goals for Pakistan and its Media Industry. By education a medical practitioner, a musician and was the first Pakistani too who has selected as a racer in Asian Formula Racing Championship 2009, and now he directed and wrote a BIOPIC on Hussain Shah (Olympian Boxer) a living legend, in which Adnan himself played a role of Shah and jolted the audience with the jaw dropping scenes and messages of a Patriot athlete, Let’s read more what he has said mouthful to his well-wishers.

On asking him his first prompt instinct which led him to become an actor, he replied that Entertainment career revolves and artist themselves mold according to their skills and expertise, romantic comedy movie was also offered to him but he had his interest as an actor performing in some refined roles giving some social message as he has seen all the matches of Hussain Shah since his childhood so performing in a BioPic was his first choice. And acting is his natural progression whereas Life has trained him a lot.

He had learned boxing especially for the movie SHAH and lived a living life by adapting Hussain Shah’s personality. It was challenging for him to change himself to adopt the gestures and his life style. Adnan’s whole life is extraordinary, and he is living his life like a movie and has performed in concerts as a musician and also played as a racer driver. There is no particular hobby he has but his interest in sports made him a sports person and then a movie which also is based on a life of athlete, He thanked his team by all means, Omar Daraz from PUCAD, Hassan Zaidi from NCA, Tahir, Farhan Albert who all supported him to make this project up-and-coming!

Adnan believes in underline story of every project he worked at, He says “as in music one has to tell story in four minutes, same goes with the cinema industry that story must be solid, and I am attracted to amazing stories because I myself is a story teller too.

SHAH movie, according to him is his huge achievement which is creating a massive impact, He mentioned “this movie has left me humbled, we made this movie in a small room with limited resources but great minds so we feel that now our future is secure and our hard work paid off, I feel amazing to stay level headed with my work”. Adnan influences are method actors who focus on their role or any character; he mentioned many examples like Nawaz uddin Siddiqi, Irfan Khan and Daniel Louis.

He is the narrator, and famous as a story teller in his social circle and family. So he also decided to work out on public to tell them truth based stories, because he believes that cinema can shake the society and by art and media we can give the identity to the nation in the form of their revival of forgotten norms, values and unsung heroes

He has two movies on board which are on the lives of heroes and his preference for now is to work with Pakistani Cinema. His message for the nation and media industry is to find out who we are actually, what we have to do, what exactly Pakistani Cinema is. His efforts on art films will tell the exact picture of society.

He successfully gave his best to Pakistan and as an actor and director he is in a position to have a say through a medium of arts by giving a tribute to unacknowledged heroes of Pakistan.

End of the line is that In History, It is one of the best shot he delivered to Pakistan and its Cinema Industry and justified with the profession under his belt.

Withered Rose….

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Hira A. Siddiqi

Good old days were those when Pakistan Television Industry was blooming with the Drama Serials/Plays like Dhuaan, Tanhayiaan, Alpha Bravo Charlie, Anghan Tera; and best days were they when Moin Akhter, Zeba Bakhtiar, Bushra Ansari, Mahnoor Baloch, Ashir Azeem, Nazli Nasr were the historic icons for the drama lovers. William Penn has said rightly about the passing phase that “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. In late 90s we have ruined our drama industry which needed the intense comeback otherwise we have lost the integrity in entertainment world.

In mid  of first decade (2000) we have lost the quality by so many production houses and television channels which were just popped out somewhere from the planet and had made their networks by making this industry as part of their business which not only affected the credibility of dramas but also the artist portfolio. All of the sudden when no actor want quality but a drama working on screen and seeing themselves as celebrity no matter what audience are thinking about their performance.

When all channels lost their audience then they made Indian content as their priority to attract audience in form of dramas, singing shows, reality shows and dance/ stage shows. Which no doubt gained the public attention because as always we Pakistanis found similarity in Indian content which just looked glamorous covering all the social issues. But see what we got in result, we start loving the Indian production instead of improving ours. And till to date we can still see the Indian Broadcast in National Television, forgetting what? How Shiv Senha treated Atif Aslam concert in India? Or by banning the screening of WAAR movie in India? There are as many issues as we can rise but the main still remains. Has Barrack Obama made sense by saying that and slamming all who think the “others” have ownership to change our culture, what he said actually is, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

We have seen the change in the air by Humsafer, Maat, Meri Zaat Zara e Benishaan, Mtae Jaan, Dil e Muzter, Pyaray Afzal & Sadqaey Tumhare and then there are many names which not only contributed with their stories but also the artists like Sanam Jung, Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan, Adnan Malik, Hamza Abbasi Ali; lest we do not forget the directors too, working behind the scene as an actual team leaders.

In exchange to all Indian content we dealt with Indian local channel and broadcasted few known dramas for Indian audience too which were appraised by the Indian viewers. Yes a proud moment for Pakistan Drama Industry until unless we feel it was all suffice but it wasn’t because we allowed another breeze in the air in form of Turkish Drama Industry.. Ishq e Mamnu? Feriha? Mera Sultan? Ishq? And then every channel launched a separate channel for such foreign content. Lets all confuse the Pakistanis or let’s make it business in the name of cultural exchange by ruining our own norms, values and traditions. And Allama Iqbal words may have another meaning but these words quoting for all above mentioned:

O withered rose! How can I still call you a rose?
How can I call you the longing of nightingale’s heart?

Once the zephyr’s movement was your rocking cradle
In the garden’s expanse joyous rose was your name…

Career Moves; Be Strategic About Your Future

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This article is originally published in Humsafer July August 2015 edition (A PIA Magazine); available online & can be accessed at

Hira A. Siddiqi

Career PIC

Dig the Well before you are Thirsty, a Chinese proverb opinionating that planning and struggle at one’s best is required when in need of something and it shows the determination of that person toward his goal and aims. It is quite relevant to the career goals of life as well where one person is already in the track of professionalism or seeking to choose one, for both it is as important as water for the thirsty person.

RIASEC is a Holland code which fits for this topic and stands for Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. What Are They? … They are Six Work Environment types. And if one personality type works with another which is same of their nature then the productivity of the working atmosphere is higher comparatively. And every personality type searches the environment either of their interest or to their proportional.  A good career match means compatibility with consent and harmony. Understanding this Theory can help one to make better choices. This theory was founded and then named by same person John Holland who is an American scientist and Psychology Professor at the University of Michigan.

There are four stages of choosing any career, Self Awareness, Opportunity Awareness, Decision Making and Taking Action. Most of us start deciding about our career when very young, that’s not very easy and decisive at such age instead of working and struggling to get that position, broaden the professional approach towards your field or expertise. For example a pre medical student of intermediate should not aim to do only Medicine or Surgery in future, he can keep the safe margins for similar disciplines which are also important in the market and job world like Micro Biology, Bio Technology, Virology, Dentistry, Physio Therapy, Radiology and Pharmacy etc. And when you choose a path, then at that point you start working on your strength. That’s the time when your chosen career becomes your expertise and strengthens your vocation.

Don’t forget to socialize wherever one is working at, it’s a second home where they start socializing with people of different intellect and backgrounds. Everyone can take advices from different experts and professionals of similar career they have or from dissimilar ones as well; parents and siblings are also most supportive in these cases by giving a favorable decision to you because they know you inside out since your childhood but ultimately do what is your choice, choose what matches you most, work where your comfort level is higher than any of the advices you had for this.

If one find opportunity at their desired career, then he should not missed that and volunteer to work at their interested job, and in volunteering your work is priceless and more appreciating then the paid jobs. This strategy is for freshers because those who are bread runners of their family can’t go for volunteering whether it’s of their choice or not, they have to earn six figure salaries for their family especially in Pakistan.

Commonly, people change their careers in their life span some are dissatisfied with their current jobs while others are not at the right place they actually qualified for. Few are underpaid not survival in their current salary structure, then there are those as well who are fond of new experiences but by gaining them, it only add up the knowledge and flexibility to work with different cultures and people of altered behaviors, but it ends with the confused career and inconsistency is a drawback when one have not solid logic behind such experiences.

Change in life is the only thing which is constant but it doesn’t means one should not switch the career rather upgrade or enhance the existing career.  If one person is optimistic enough then do the puzzle game with oneself and follow what Steve Jobs once said about same thing, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

Decisions of your life should not be make on money because temporary things never gives you permanent place anywhere, one cannot change anything in the company making a difference is a separate thing but change is a long term and takes more than decades. Family is always and must be the preference than anyone else; don’t ruin your true relations for the sake of maintaining so called professionalism in front of your social circle. Be Yourself !! And don’t forget the real You inside yourself, if you analyze yourself better then there won’t be any need of making vague moves in choices.

In Pakistan best career paths are Business whether big or small enterprises depend upon the market demand of that particular town or area, then medical have scope too. Majority of Pakistanis love sport and have interest to become athlete but it needs guts and confidence to build up oneself for this profession. Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence are emerging career pathways in Pakistan for those who have interest in computer sciences. Pakistan have one of the best fashion industry so to those who wants to be an artist can join this, Media will be perk for them if they get chance there too.

Chartered Accountancy in Pakistan is considered as crème profession which starts with lowers income but get higher in very short span of time if qualified. Engineering never lost its space for any other profession in Pakistan, now there are more than 20 fields in Engineering in Pakistan and Scope of career can only be created by choosing the right space for it. Civil and Military jobs are competitive and only adequate and refined group of people selected for these jobs where one not have any chance for further scrutiny. In recent couple of decades Engineering and Medical were the only professions  students struggles for, but now there are diversifications in Science, Technology, Art, Humanities, and Management Studies. Every profession in Pakistan have its own grace it all depends upon the chooser or applicant that rather he make bridge from the stones he felt as obstacles in his way or make wall to not allowing those hurdles by fear of facing them; one Chinese proverb well explained this impression in a way that, “When a wind of change blows, one build walls, while other builds windmills.”

Chinese proverb well explained this impression in a way that, “When a wind of change blows, one build walls, while other builds windmills.”


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Written By: Hira A. Siddiqi (This article has been published in Humsafer Magazine of PIA (May-June 2014) 

“Where do you go when lonely, where d’you go when blue…”

The Coors & Bono

The Twilight coming from your window calling you out there to come out and feel the breeze and fresh aura of Morning time. This tranquil ambience of nature calls everyone to feel its beauty when every bird is chirping to praise the Lord, when every road is waiting for its admirers and when every flower is unleashing its petals like a first yawn of morning, when every ray of sun blooms the darkness of night. When no human is there to welcome you but the time, the tick of clock and the passion to bliss you out in this world of freshness and healthy start of day.

Thomas Traherne illustrates this moment:

“To walk is by a thought to go;

To move in spirit to and fro;

To mind the good we see;

To taste the sweet;

Observing all the things we meet

How choice and rich they be…”


The same impression of morning can be felt in the City of Lively Hearts (Zinda Dilon Ka Shehr), they say it “A Person who hasn’t seen Lahore, haven’t lived! (Jinay Lahore Nahi Wekhya, O Jamiya Nahi). City of convivial and hospitable people indeed, that’s what Lahore is; Also known as historical city and heart of Pakistan. Everyone and everything about this city is alive, the scents, the sights, the places, the people and the colors. Lahore is the city of trends, an updated region of cultures and trending. People tremendously follow the trends here.It’s the city which gets attention of not only historians, archeologists or antiquities but also even a casual visitor enjoys many interesting places and people here; it attracts thousands of people of every class and creed within country and even from abroad. Now if you are foodie, traveler, tourist, researcher, youngsters hanging out, socialites coming from another city or country then you will find Lahore all in one.

Morning walk has also been a trend in Lahore, in 90’s it was more appreciated and found to be more followed than nowadays. But still you will find parks of Lahore full with groups and individuals of different age coming for morning walk. Time has changed but not the trend which has become the culture of Lahoris now. No matter its winter or summers, fog or sunshine; one will find them going for Morning walk daily. Mostly people go for walk after offering Namaz e Fajr. It was the trend of years ago that groups of people walk in streets of mohallas (Old Lahore), under the shed of trees these group gathers after daily walk and discussion from politics to domestic even in a way of arranging marriages of their children or settling someone’s domestic problems; then from social to health related matters; shows the enthusiasm of extroverted Lahori people. Even after the developments, and change in mindsets of people in Lahore like new roads, new towns, new shopping areas, Parties, Café culture and new parks which gave them more space to sit around and carry other time consuming activities; still to keep this ritual alive Lahoris keep coming in parks and treks for morning walk even in cold and foggy winters, not purposely for walk only but also socializing with other people around them, it’s better to say that Lahoris are more in discussions, gossiping and planning. They prefer listening to others, talking for solutions and helping other by all means.

There are different parks in Lahore as in suggestion for morning walk like race course park where mostly people found doing exercises and walk, Then there is a Bagh e Jinnah, Model Town Park, Riwaz Garden, Sukh Chayn Gardens, Gulshan e Iqbal Park, Shalimar Gardens, these are the most visited parks especially for Morning walk. Students mostly have their own lawn areas in the hostels and campus area. You will see students coming early to their grounds for walk before their classes. It’s being observed that Quaid e Azam Campus of University of the Punjab and different other universities grounds like of LUMS, LSE, and Lahore School of Home Economics are full of students in Morning; that shows their deliberate zeal for morning walk. It’s not about waking up early in the morning, It’s all about the socializing and health even, If not going walk because of laziness, other busy schedule ahead, or he/she slept late at night

In Lahore; the roads are almost deserted before Fajer Prayers but afterwards, you will feel good to see a life around you. A city which sleeps late but wake up early, when People smile as you walk past them; you can see that some of them are businessmen, students, retired men, athletes, civil servants, doctors and many others of various natures and professions coming for walk daily. Walking as we know is predictable; you can control your journey in Lahore because any park or track you choose here would be your best choice. When wanting to walk alone, no one disturbs you here like Johan Wolfgang said once that “the soul who sees beauty may sometimes walk alone” and when to become a sociable person, Lahoris will accompany you as if they know you from many years and will become your guide if you are new to this city.

One cannot even think to get tired or bored whilst doing Morning walk in Lahore, because unlike long routes and tracks here in this city every step you will get a new fresh idea, meet a person or something around attracts you. By the time you continue the walking activity more than a week you’ll feel yourself more energetic than before.

Well being a Lahori, I used to go for a walk in my student life with my fellows. My feet touched the grass of my university hostel, New Campus Lawns, Old Campus Grounds and many other similar places. Every time I visit Lahore, the first sunshine of morning makes me nostalgic. This is something special about Lahore and its aura. In Lahore, also you can find local walk groups living in your area, or join some healthy community like Photo Walk groups mostly founded by students of fine arts and photography and different member of NGOs for exploring the Lahore through their camera lens; this activity is an interesting in a way that you get more places to explore in a city. If you map out the places and mark the visited and non visited parks/areas of Lahore then it can make your daily walk more interesting.

If you are living in or came as a visitor in Lahore then it is preferable to walk to the shops for groceries and other stuff instead of driving, walkup the escalators on malls and use of stairs is recommended. Go out with family, organize and convince them for its positive outcomes. Set an aim daily to walk where and how far. Don’t eat anything while walking; drink water only after giving a 2-3 minutes pause to your walk. And then after a good walk, a desi food lover can go to have healthy breakfast with Sajji, Nihari, Paye, Lassi, Tafttan and Fried fish from Gawalmandi Food Street and Bashir Darul Mahi at Mazang, FazleHaq Dera near Model Town and Qazafi Stadium, Capri Resturaunt at M.M.Alam Road. But if you want a light one then near Race Course Park go for Fast food resturaunts.

Once you get addicted of morning walk here in Lahore, your love for this city will be same as Masud Sa’d Salman, who was a 12thcentury Lahore based poet expressed his love for his city “.. I want from my Lord, some velvet from which emanates the fragrance of Lahore…” So if you select to go for walk then visit Lahore and if you’re visiting Lahore then must go for a walk, A Morning Walk particularly.


A fest like Basant which was announced for 14 days this spring of year 2014, people knowingly participate in this celebration; colors, colorful clothes, filling the sky with trendy kites meeting up with the old friends etc. In the same way every trend cannot be set until unless we have trend setters for that. And healthy trends like Morning Walk are more likely to follow by people who don’t have time to take care of their health and they get isolated in their daily life busy routine. And Lahoris need an excuse to meet up with people, this is how Lahore work wonders and a Good Morning walk is here like a blessing in disguise.


Islamabad: Fast Lane City

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Hira A. Siddiqi

(Published in November December edition of Humsafer Magazine; follow the link for its online publication: )

“A city is a place where there is no need to wait for next week to get the answer to a question, to taste the food of any country, to find new voices to listen to and familiar ones to listen to again.”
Margaret Mead

The fastest growing and expensive city of Pakistan in now being ranked as Gamma – World City; The city, I am talking about located at Potohar Plateau in the NorthEast of Pakistan is no other but Islamabad. It’s a well-planned, maintained Green City of the State with the population of 1.15 million and with most literate citizens. This modern capital and Ghakar city of Rawalpindi situated side by side and normally knows as twin cities. Islamabad is known as the most cleaned and managed city of Pakistan in terms of its Green Surroundings and City Planning in form of different sectors. One side of capital surrounded by Margalla Hills, where this city connects with Taxila traces which driving distance is about half an hour away from the capital.

Approx. 90% of Islamabad is considered as most literate group demographically and a very large number of public and private educational institutes are present in this city. According to Academy of Educational Planning And Management Report there were a total of 904 recognized institutions in Islamabad while there are about seven teacher training institutes in Islamabad. Also the world’s second largest university by enrolment, Allama Iqbal Open University, is located in Islamabad.

Pakistan is the lovely country I would never leave; furthermore, I take special pride living in Islamabad, because Islamabad has been found as the most peaceful region of Pakistan. It’s the hub of citizen from different cultures and regions from all over the Pakistan. There is no specific language is being spoken in Islamabad; People speaks, English, Urdu, French, Punjabi, Potohari, Pushto, Sindhi, Balochi, Saraiki and many more dialects can be found in this region. The true picture of Pakistan can be observed in Islamabad because of the harmony and attitude of Isloites is polite and helpful. Hugh Newell Jacobsen beautifully said that when you look at a city, it’s like reading the hopes, aspirations and pride of everyone who built it. This fits in Islamabad City because it comprises of beautiful tourist attraction like threaded pearls in a necklace.

Islamabad Capital Territory is allocated into eight categorical areas: Administrative Zone, Commercial District, Educational Zone, Diplomatic Enclave, Industrial Sector, Rural Areas, Green Area and Residential Area. Additionally, Islamabad city is divided into five major zones: Zone I, Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV, and Zone V. Among these, Zone IV is the largest in area. While Zone I contains mainly of all the established residential sectors while Zone II developing residential sectors. Margalla Hills, National Park and Rawal Lake come in Zone III. Islamabad Park and rural areas of the city counts in Zone IV and V of Islamabad, also the Soan River flows into the city through Zone V. The sectors of Islamabad are lettered from A to I, and each sector is divided into four numbered sub-sectors, such sections are made to map out the exact place in Islamabad easily because all areas are located very symmetrically in capital.


Islamabad skyscrapers and interiors are also famous for their Architecture which is the combination of modern & old Islamic traditions. Shah Faisal Mosque is a combination of Mughal, Turkish, and Arabic Architecture. Another milestone is Pakistan Monument. Murals inside the Large Petals reflect Islamic architecture. In Last few years this city has become the megapolis with most secured area like diplomatic enclave. Finest examples of architecture are Constitution Avenue, chief executive secretariat and the President’s House. Moreover this capital also have sports complex, institute of folk heritage, Islamabad club which fulfils the need for cultural, medical, sports and social activities. If somebody wants to hang out or to visit places for recreational activities then Daman e Koh, Margallah Zoo, Pakistan Monument, Faisal Mosque, Rawal Lake View Point, Shakarparian, Margallah Hills, Rawal Lake; these are the most populous places of Islamabad.

Lake View Park is a beautiful arranged park with picnic spots, small gardens, and secluded paths. The adjoining garden and the lake are utilized for boating and fishing. The highest point in the garden offers an enchanting view of Islamabad. Different private clubs organizes boating, sailing, water skating and diving facilities. West side of this lake have the Islamabad Club, which also offer diverse sporting facilities. Another park name Japanese Park is a located near Islamabad Marghazar Zoo. This park is popular among children, families and to those visiting Islamabad from other cities due to its park facilities and children swing facilities.

Fatima Jinnah Park also known as F-9 Park, this area is spread out through the entire F-9 sector and it’s a public amusing park situated in F-9 sector of Islamabad. The park is considered one of the biggest parks in South East Asia. It was named after the respected Miss Fatima Jinnah, the sister of the founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Micheal Japero Fatima Park was built by Micheal Japero. Five years were taken to come up with the design.Conceivably Fatima Jinnah Park is to Islamabad what Central Park is to New York City. This park is at slight distance away from the Shakarparian Mountains. This park is comparatively exclusive and save and accessible for all foreigners. Suitable facilities are available to make this area more comfortable like home for the visitors.

As mentioned that Islamabad region is comprises of different sectors and each sector have their own central shopping area name as Markaz where all local facilities are available. To shop, one must go for more popular markaz like F6 Markaz also known as Supermarket, F7 Markaz – Jinnah Super Market, Ayub Market of F8 Markaz, G9 Markaz known as Karachi Company and so on. Each markaz has its own speciality and each market is worth visiting individually. Most things are catered in one markaz so that one can have variety of things in one place. Especially on Eid and other public Holidays these markets are buzz up in evenings. Cosmos, Best Price, Metro Cash & Carry, Madina Cash & Carry, Mezban have grocery food and western products to shop.

Recently Islamabad had been enhanced by a Centaurus Tower which comprises of three skyscrapers and contains corporate office, 5 star hotel and residential apartments. This tallest skyscraper in Islamabad have 41 levels/stories and all three linked a by spacious shopping mall with 7-8 floors in it. This mall is a symbol of modernised Pakistan which consists of 250 shops. There is a Food Court with all food brands from different countries of the World like Scandinavian Brand: Manolo Gelato, Middle Eastern Brand: Fatoosh, China Grill, Kim Mun and Many more. This food court surprisingly attracted the footfall of Islamabad and North region of Pakistan, there was a time when there was only three food streets/area counted with highest customer ship. One is in Blue Area Islamabad, Second at Melody Food Park G-6 Sector, third is at Cricket Stadium- Rawalpindi but Now this Food Court of Centaurus Mall is taken as most favourite area of foodies. Mark Twain once stated that Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.

Winding up my visit to the most pleasant city of the country by the Saying of Plato “This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are.” Islamabad is also known by the kind of people lives in. It’s being observed that it’s a peaceful city that shows the temperament and aptitude of people living in this city that how they deal with anyone or anything. If you are coming to Pakistan then It’s a must visit city!